Bufetes Abogados Alicante

Family Mediation in Spain

Assists people who have decided that their relationship has ended

Latest official figures state that approximately 300,000 British nationals live in Spain, but it is suggested that in reality the number of Brits that have made Spain their home could be around one million. For many, a life in the sun is the ultimate dream and it is only achieved in retirement. This new life in Spain is the reward for thirty plus years’ hard work in the UK’s cold and grey climate.

The first six months is what would be called the ‘honeymoon’ period, with daily trips to the beach and maybe new friends from Spanish class. It is exciting and new. However, many couples find the transition not as easy as they had anticipated, and as the months go by, the sun starts to lose its warmth and the shadows start to loom. Living in Spain has its sacrifices, such as close family members and friends are no longer near and those support networks, which people had relied on, are not available in the same way. Couples also find themselves in each others company 24/7, where before they would only see each other after work for a few hours and on weekends.

This can be a shock to the system and put a strain on any relationship. Some relationships adjust, other don’t manage, resulting in a permanent breakdown. When this happens it is important to speak to someone about what happens next.

Mediation is not marriage counselling!

It needs to be stressed that family mediation services is not a counselling service, but assists people who have decided that their relationship has ended. It is an alternative to instructing expensive divorce lawyers for each person. Mediators are impartial and will assist separating couples with the splitting of financial assets, and if children are involved, look at how each parent will spend time with their children.
Our family mediator, Stuart Hanson, is fully accredited in all issues by the Family Mediation Council in the UK. He is also a member of The College of Mediators and holds a Legal Aid contract for England and Wales. Stuart has mediated on a wide range of cases from high net worth individuals to child radicalisation. Stuart is also able to sign English court forms such as the C100 and FM1, which makes him unique in Spain.

What is Mediation?

Divorce or separation is never easy, but our accredited family mediator, Stuart Hanson, can support you and your family through this change. As a professionally trained and impartial family mediator, he can assist you and your ex-partner through the mediation process to communicate more effectively and to help you both put together plans for the future, rather than allowing the courts to decide what they think is best for you and your family. You and your ex-partner know your situation better than anyone else, so by coming to mediation you are taking control of what happens today and in the future.

The process of mediation is simple and is much quicker and cheaper than going to court. The first step is for you and your ex-partner to have Mediation Information & Assessment Meetings (MIAM Mediation). You attend these separately and explain to Stuart, the mediator, about your current situation and the issues you are facing. If mediation is appropriate, you will either have a meeting together (face to face) or have your discussions via shuttle (this is when you are in separate rooms and the mediator goes between the two of you). Mediation can also take place online, which is particularly useful if you and your ex-partner live a long way apart, or in different countries. At the end of every mediation session, you will both receive a written record of what has been discussed and agreed. Agreements can be written up by Stuart in the form of a Parenting Plan (child matters) or an Open Financial Statement and Memorandum of Understanding (financial matters).

Our mediator, Stuart, is accredited by the Family Mediation Council (FMC) in both child and financial matters and is a member of the College of Mediators. He also trains mediators nationally on the subject of the LGBT+ family and the issues that face international families. He was previously a magistrate in Leeds family court, United Kingdom. Stuart works as a mediator on international family cases. In 2018 Stuart was presented with a National Mediation Award and most recently appointed to the board of director of the national mediation regulator, The College of Mediators.

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