Complaints and Claims

Mortgage Expenses that you can Claim

Complaints and Claims made to Banks, Insurance, Telecommunication, Electricity and
Airline Companies


  • Claim for the refund of commission on the non-payment of an instalment, cheque or a promissory note previously paid into the account.
  • Claim for commission on account management and maintenance simultaneously and unduly charged.
  • Claim for early repayment commission charged on mortgage loans. In mortgage loans taken out with a variable interest rate, the early repayment commission is legally limited (to 1%).
  • Claim for the undue simultaneous application of overdraft commission and interest.
  • Claim requesting that the commission on the loan follow-up, maintenance and management is refunded. This commission does not correspond to any type of service, thus violating banking regulations.
  • Claim requesting the reduction of commission charged when using POS.


  • Claim to remove the so-called floor clause limiting the minimum interest rate and repay the amounts that have been unduly charged. Many mortgage holders do not see a progressive reduction of the Euribor in their mortgage repayments, which is a main reference rate in variable interest mortgages, due to the fact that the bank included a clause in its contracts establishing a minimum interest rate limit. This clause known as the floor clause or “cláusula suelo” is financially damaging for the bank’s clients.
  • Claim for the amounts of money unduly charged due to the raised rounding off clause being applied on a variable interest rate loan to be refunded.
  • Request to lower the interest rate in a mortgage with a fixed rate of interest and also to lower the differential applied to a variable interest loan.
  • Claim for the refund of commission charged early on variable interest loans.
  • Claim made to the bank granting the loan in the event of death or disability whereby the borrower shall claim the amount of compensation due from the insurance company. The life insurance taken out at the same time as the loan contract was signed must honour its real purpose, so that the bank doesn’t resort to using other types of guarantees.
  • Claim to the property developer concerning the buyer’s mortgage expenses.


  • Complaints about power cuts or interrupted telephone, internet and television connection.
  • Complaint made to the operator for not disconnecting the service.


  • Claim for damages, delayed luggage handling or lost luggage.
  • Complaint about flight cancellation.
  • Complaint about delayed flight.
  • Complaint about “Overbooking”.
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